Coffee Tips and Tricks: How To Store Coffee
How do I store my coffee beans properly?
The best way to preserve the flavor and freshness of your coffee is to keep the coffee beans stored in an opaque, airtight container. Unwanted exposure to light, heat, moisture, and air can drastically alter the cell structure of the beans, causing a loss of the oils essential to the coffee’s unique flavor and aroma. Using a mason jar to store the beans and keep out harmful influences, for example, would be perfect. If using a storage container is impossible, be careful in making sure that the bag is sealed as tightly as possible. Rubber bands and clips can do the job.
Where do I store my coffee beans?
It is important to avoid unwanted heat and light, so keep the coffee stored in a dark, cool area away from the sun’s rays. A pantry or cabinet shelf should do just fine, provided that it is not receiving extra heat from kitchen appliances such as an oven or from the sun on a warm afternoon. DO NOT store the coffee beans in the refrigerator; undesirable moisture may be retained, ruining the flavor and aroma.
How long can I store my coffee beans?
An unopened bag of coffee beans can last for up to a year; this number immediately drops down to around two weeks once the bag is opened.
Can I freeze my coffee beans?
Although it is not recommended, freezing coffee beans can extend their shelf life to about a month. Divide the beans into smaller portions and seal them in airtight bags to minimize any flavor loss.
Any tips for making coffee in general?
Make sure the grinder and coffee maker are clean. Remove any residue from previous makings of coffee by rinsing it with hot water and then drying it with a clean towel. Then, grind the coffee beans right before you brew them. Studies show that 60% of the aroma is lost fifteen minutes after grinding the beans, so be careful of the timing. The size of the grind is important as well; the smaller the grind, the stronger the flavor. If your coffee is too flat, the grind maybe too coarse and under-extracted. If your coffee is overly bitter, the grind may be too fine and over-extracted.
Use filtered water to make your coffee. Tap water may have a strong taste or odor, such as chlorine, and distilled water removes many of the good minerals essential in brewing a delicious cup of coffee. Putting cold water into the coffee maker will yield better results than using hot water. Next, add the proper amount of ground coffee to water. A good rule of thumb is two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six cups of water. These numbers, however, can be adjusted depending on how strong you like your coffee.